Self-worth Self-esteem Social anxiety Fear of failure Self-love Hopelessness Paranoia Self-perception Pessimism Guilt Inferiority complex

Do you feel any of the following emotions?

I'm not good enough

I don't have anything valuable to offer

I'm not talented like others

I can't do anything right

I always mess things up

I can't seem to get anything right

I constantly disappoint myself and others

I never measure up to expectations

Nobody likes me

Everyone is talking about me behind my back

People think I'm weird

I'm always the odd one out

I'll never succeed

If I try, I'll just fail again

I'm not capable of achieving my goals

Every attempt I make ends in failure

I look terrible

I hate the way I look

I can never look good no matter what I do

Things will never get better

Nothing ever goes my way

There's no point in trying anymore

My situation will never improve

People are judging me

People are laughing at me

Everyone can see my flaws

People are out to get me

I'm a burden to others

I'm just a burden on my family and friends

People would be better off without me

I'm always causing problems for others

I'm always so unlucky

Bad things always happen to me

There's no hope for the future

Life is just a series of disappointments

It's all my fault

I ruin everything I touch

I can't forgive myself for my mistakes

I've let everyone down